package cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.compiler;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.TimingEnvironment;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.midi.GeneralMidiConstants;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.parser.MellowDLexer;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.parser.MellowDParser;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.parser.ParseException;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.parser.TrackManager;
import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.ArgumentParsers;
import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.impl.Arguments;
import net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.ParseCancellationException;
import javax.sound.midi.*;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
The Compiler
class is the main entry point for the program.
public class Compiler {
Empty sequences will have this event appended to create a playable empty sequence.
private static final class ImmutableEndOfTrack extends MetaMessage {
private static final byte EOT_EVENT_CODE = 0x2F;
private ImmutableEndOfTrack() {
super(new byte[3]);
data[0] = (byte) META;
data[1] = EOT_EVENT_CODE;
data[2] = 0;
public void setMessage(int type, byte[] data, int length) throws InvalidMidiDataException {
throw new InvalidMidiDataException("cannot modify end of track message");
public static final MidiMessage EOT_MESSAGE = new ImmutableEndOfTrack();
public static final String FILE_EXTENSION = ".mlod";
public static void main(String[] args) {
The ArgumentParser is from the argparse4j. It is a library for parsing command line arguments.
Create a new parser for the mellowd command. The defaultHelp create a -h
that displays a help menu for the command.
ArgumentParser argParser = ArgumentParsers.newArgumentParser("mellowd")
The -p
option is a flag so the action will be storeTrue so that the value
of this argument will be false if not present and true if it is present. If
is set the program will immediately playback the compiled song.
argParser.addArgument("-p", "--play")
.help("Playback the specified file instead of exporting it.");
The -o
option specifies the output directory. By default this is just the current
directory. The type of the argument is a file so the parser tries to parse a path.
argParser.addArgument("-o", "--outdir")
.help("Set the output directory for the compilation.");
The -ts
option specifies the time signature. This is 4⁄4
by default. To specify a new time signature both the numerator and denominator must
be given. Otherwise neither need to be given.
argParser.addArgument("-ts", "--timesig")
.setDefault(4, 4)
.metavar("numerator", "denominator")
.help("Specify the numerator and denominator of the time signature (Ex: 4 4 for 4/4).");
The -t
options specifies the tempo. A standard tempo is 120 bpm so that is the default. To
change the tempo the -t
argument must be followed by a number that represents the tempo in
beats per minute.
argParser.addArgument("-t", "--tempo")
.help("Specify the tempo of the compiled song in BPM.");
There are various flags that can specify what output formats to write the file as.
MutuallyExclusiveGroup outputFormat = argParser.addMutuallyExclusiveGroup("output format")
.description("Set the output format of the compiler. This defaults to MIDI (.mid)");
outputFormat.addArgument("--mid", "--midi")
.help("Set the output type of the compiler to a MIDI file (.mid). Default: MIDI (.mid)");
outputFormat.addArgument("--wav", "--wave")
.help("Set the output type of the compiler to a WAVE file (.wav). Default: MIDI (.mid)");
The last argument is a required argument. The file to compile. The given file must exist and be readable.
.help("Specify the file to compile.");
Now that the parser is constructed we can parse the input arguments.
Namespace arguments = null;
try {
arguments = argParser.parseArgs(args);
} catch (ArgumentParserException e) {
If the parse fails forward the error to the parser for a nicely formatted error message and then exit because we don’t have the correct arguments to run the compiler.
Now that we have valid arguments we need to pull the information out of the parser.
File outDir = handleOutDir(arguments.<File>get("outdir"));
File toCompile = handleInFile(arguments.<File>get("file"));
List<Number> tempo = arguments.getList("timesig");
Now we can begin compiling
Sequence compilationResult = null;
try {
We want to track the compilation duration so mark the start time
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
Compile the input file with the given timing arguments.
compilationResult = compile(toCompile,
Calculate the compilation time and display it in seconds to 6 decimal places.
long compileTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
System.out.printf("Compilation took %.6f s\n",
compileTime / 1E9d);
Display the duration of the compiled song in seconds.
System.out.printf("Song length: %d s\n",
If an IOException occurs then we had a problem with the input file. We will display the error and exit.
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.printf("Error reading input file (%s). Reason: %s\n",
toCompile.getAbsolutePath(), e.getLocalizedMessage());
If a ParseException occurs then there was a problem with the data in the input file. The input is well formed but the semantics are wrong. Display the error and exit.
} catch (ParseException e) {
System.out.printf("Exception encountered while compiling. %s\n", e.getLocalizedMessage());
A ParseCancellationException is different from a ParseException. It is thrown by ANTLR when using the BailErrorStrategy. This is the result of a syntax error. Display the error and exit.
} catch (ParseCancellationException e) {
RecognitionException ex = (RecognitionException) e.getCause();
System.out.printf("Parse exception in rule %s. Offending token: line %d@%d:'%s'. Expected: %s\n",
try {
If the play flag is set than we will play the compilationResult
with the systems
midi sequencer.
if (arguments.getBoolean("play")) {
Tell the user the song is playing.
System.out.printf("Playing %s\n", toCompile.getName().replace(FILE_EXTENSION, ""));
Create a music player from the sequencer and song.
SequencePlayer player = new SequencePlayer(MidiSystem.getSequencer(), compilationResult);
Make a blocking call to start playing the song
When playSync returns this means the song is done. Tell the user that the play is completed and exit.
System.out.println("Play complete!");
If the play flag is not set the we will write the result to a file of the same name
located in the outdir
} else {
try {
If the compilation result is empty then add the EOT event to make the output file playable.
if (compilationResult.getTickLength() == 0) {
compilationResult.getTracks()[0].add(new MidiEvent(EOT_MESSAGE, 1));
SequenceIODelegate ioDelegate = arguments.get("IODelegate");
The outFile
is a file in the outDir
with the same name as the file to compile
with the .mid
file extension instead.
File outFile = new File(outDir, toCompile.getName().replace(FILE_EXTENSION, ioDelegate.getExtension()));
if (!outFile.exists()) outFile.createNewFile();
long writeStartTime = System.nanoTime();, outFile);
if (ioDelegate != MIDIIODelegate.getInstance()) {
If we are not writing to a MIDI file then we should inform the user that the expensive operation is converting to sound to the specified type.
long writeTime = System.nanoTime() - writeStartTime;
System.out.printf("Conversion to %s took %.6f s\n",
ioDelegate.getExtension(), writeTime / 1E9d);
Display the compilation input and output locations for the user also letting them know that the compilation was successful.
System.out.printf("%s compiled to %s\n",
toCompile.getName().replace(FILE_EXTENSION, ".mlod"),
If an IOException occurred let the user know the issue and exit.
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.printf("Error writing compilation result. Reason: %s.\n", e.getLocalizedMessage());
If a MidiUnavailableException occurs let the user know the error and exit.
} catch (MidiUnavailableException e) {
System.out.printf("Midi system not available. %s.\n", e.getLocalizedMessage());
If an InvalidMidiDataException occurs it is most likely our fault. This error should be reported so ask the user to report it.
} catch (InvalidMidiDataException e) {
System.out.printf("Midi compilation error. Something went wrong, please submit your source to" +
" the bug tracker. Error: %s\n", e.getLocalizedMessage());
tries its best to use the given outDir
and if it can’t
it reports the problem to the user and closes the program.
private static File handleOutDir(File outDir) {
If the directory doesn’t exits try and create it
if (!outDir.exists()) {
try {
boolean created = outDir.mkdirs();
If mkdirs
returns false the the directory doesn’t exist because we are
only at this point if it didn’t exists in the first place.
if (!created) {
System.out.printf("Could not create outdir %s\n", outDir.getAbsolutePath());
If a SecurityException occurs let the user know that there is nothing we can do to create the directory for them and close the program.
} catch (SecurityException e) {
System.out.printf("Could not create outdir (%s). Stopped by the security manager: %s",
outDir.getAbsolutePath(), e.getLocalizedMessage());
If we make it down here than all went well and the directory was created so let the user know we made a new directory on their machine.
System.out.printf("Created directory %s\n", outDir.getAbsolutePath());
If the path exists but is not a directory then we can’t put the compilation result anywhere. Let the user know they gave us a path to an existing file and close the program.
} else if (!outDir.isDirectory()) {
System.out.printf("outdir (%s) is not a directory\n", outDir.getAbsolutePath());
Return the file.
return outDir.getAbsoluteFile();
does its best to use the input file given
private static File handleInFile(File inFile) {
If the file doesn’t exist then there is nothing to read. Tell the user the problem and exit.
if (!inFile.exists()) {
System.out.printf("Cannot find input file %s.\n", inFile.getAbsolutePath());
If the file doesn’t end with .mlod
then it isn’t a Mellow D source and
the user most likely gave the wrong file. Let them know the file they gave
and tell them we can’t use it.
if (!inFile.getName().endsWith(FILE_EXTENSION)) {
System.out.printf("In file (%s) is not a Mellow D source file (.mlod).\n",
Return the input file
return inFile;
is the method that actually runs the compiler.
public static Sequence compile(File src, byte numerator, byte denominator, int tempo, boolean verbose) throws IOException {
First we will display the inputs being used so they can double check everything is as expected.
if (verbose) {
System.out.printf("Time Signature: %d / %d\n", numerator, denominator);
System.out.printf("Tempo: %d bpm\n", tempo);
System.out.printf("Compiling file: %s\n", src.getPath());
Now we can build a lexer with the src
as the input.
ANTLRFileStream inStream = new ANTLRFileStream(src.getAbsolutePath());
MellowDLexer lexer = new MellowDLexer(inStream);
The parser takes the tokens from the lexer as well as the timing environment constructed from the input arguments and a track manager.
TokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
MellowDParser parser = new MellowDParser(tokens, new TimingEnvironment(numerator, denominator, tempo),
new TrackManager(GeneralMidiConstants.REGULAR_CHANNELS, GeneralMidiConstants.DRUM_CHANNELS));
We will use the BailErrorStrategy because our compiler is one pass and as soon as a syntax error occurs the parser may be able to recover but the compilation most likely will not.
parser.setErrorHandler(new BailErrorStrategy());
Parse the input!;
Return the sequence generated while parsing.
return parser.getSequence();